Are you super pumped about the three hour long super hero movie coming out on Thursday and actively avoiding movie spoilers at all cost? You’ve managed to not click the alleged leaked scene videos, you won’t even read fan theories about what could happen, and oh look, general tech sites are spoiling the movie’s mysteries with their (so-called spoiler-free) reviews days before the movie hits theaters for fans.

You don’t have to go back to the stone age to avoid movie spoilers and avoid other trending topics on Twitter (which is great news if your job partly relies on tracking breaking news with Twitter!). The Twitter mute feature puts you in control of what tweets you want to avoid no matter which Twitter app you use. Here’s how to starting muting:

How does Twitter mute work

Love Twitter for following sports but want political news to go away? Or care about breaking news but just want to see how the Avengers save the universe after the movie is actually in theaters? Twitter’s mute feature to the rescue.

Some Twitter apps left you mute or muffle specific topics with rules that can only be applied to those clients, but Twitter has since created its own platform level mute feature that does the same job. The benefit of using Twitter’s mute feature over similar app-specific features is that Twitter’s rules applies to all Twitter apps, not just certain apps, including Twitter for iOS,, and TweetDeck for Mac.

How to mute topics and hashtags

Anyone can quickly mute a topic with Twitter on the web, although the global Twitter mute feature is a little buried. Twitter places the mute feature in the notifications tab, I guess so you can prevent certain tweet replies from disturbing you, but it’s my timeline that needs quality control.

Here’s a shortcut to the place you need: From here, you can select the big blue ‘Add’ button and create a rule for specific topics.

You may find that simply muting an official hashtag for a topic doesn’t solve the problem, however, which means you should create a few more mute rules for variations of that topic. For example, you could mute ‘#AvengersEndgame’, ‘Avengers Endgame’, ‘Avengers’, and ‘Endgame’ to dramatically reduce your chances of seeing something that you can’t unsee on Twitter.

Twitter mutes can also have time limits including forever, 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days. You can optionally mute only your notifications or both your notifications and timeline (which is the default). If you want to avoid certain keywords in your notifications, you can choose between muting all tweets with those keywords, or only tweets from accounts that you don’t follow.

Be safe out there, folks.

Read More:

  • What’s the best Twitter app for the Mac?
  • What’s the best Twitter app for iPhone?