Thanks to the internet, there is no longer a need to approach people physically, especially someone you’re interested in. In fact, various online dating apps allow you to interact, connect, and chat with possible partners via the internet. But what if you want to know how to message a girl on Facebook that you’re attracted to?

While it might seem straightforward enough to do so, gathering the courage to send her the first introductory message is a difficult thing to do. With that being said, let us look at some critical advice about how to message a girl on Facebook that you like.

So, without further ado, let’s begin!

Take A Look at Her Facebook Profile

When talking about how to message a girl on Facebook, first, look at her profile to learn more about her. In fact, use this opportunity to explore her Facebook timeline, as doing so will allow you to find similar interests.

  • Take A Look at Her Facebook ProfileSend a Friend RequestStart With a Polite IntroductionChat With Her More OftenStay Active on Her ProfileDon’t Hide Behind ChatsSummary

Furthermore, exploring her profile will also allow you to know about her relationship status, learn about her religious views, and view her shared photos.

Send a Friend Request

After viewing her profile without seeming too stalkerish, the next thing to do would be to send her a friend request. While Facebook allows members to send messages to people who aren’t on your friend’s list, this message will probably end up in her message request folder.

As a result, she might not view your message. So, to know how to message a girl on Facebook that you like, send her a friend request first!

If she accepts the friend request, you can start a conversation with her. Moreover, sending messages before being added to someone’s friend’s list shows desperation. And we don’t want that!

Start With a Polite Introduction

Sending a friend request is a no-brainer to ask the girl for her consent before initiating a conversation with her. However, it would be best to start with a polite introduction. That said, this is where most guys give up!

For instance, you can start by saying, “Hey, my name is (your name). I came across your Facebook profile through (name of the mutual friend). Your posts are inspiring, and I thought it would be nice to get to know you. You seem pretty cool based on your comments and posts.”

This message sounds casual, and she will most likely say yes to being your friend. However, although this is an excellent way to learn how to message a girl on Facebook, there’s no guarantee it will work!

Chat With Her More Often

When starting a conversation with a girl you like through Facebook, try to be active more often and engage in a friendly chat at least once a day. Most women have to deal with tons of Facebook messages from potential admirers, so bring up exciting topics she can relate to.

However, whatever happens, don’t spam her message inbox. Message once and wait for her to reply. That said, when she does, hold on before responding to her chats.

If you rush your replies, you might come off as desperate. Instead, make do with short and sweet conversations and focus on exciting topics. Moreover, avoid unnecessary abbreviations as this will turn her off.

Furthermore, add a touch of humor to your messages and avoid sending long paragraphs; otherwise, you will come off as dull and will become an afterthought in her mind.

Stay Active on Her Profile

Comment on the status updates and photos of the girl you like more often. You don’t have to comment or like every photo she has ever posted. However, try to remind her that she’s on your mind and drop witty and funny comments on your pictures, videos, and status updates.

Don’t Hide Behind Chats

If you’ve been talking with the girl you like for some time now, it’s a tell-tale sign that she likes it when you come online. So, the next step to take is to meet her in person.

Sure, it will take all of your courage to ask her out. However, it would be best to stop lurking around, using messages to communicate with her. Just ask her out. If she says yes, you’ve hit the jackpot. In the end, you will never know if you’ve got a chance with her until you try!


So, to summarise, to learn how to message a girl on Facebook, start off by adding her to your friend’s list and sending her a polite introductory message. Next, try to find out about her relationship status, likes and dislikes, and common topics of interest.

When you take such an approach, your chances of successfully making a new female friend will increase tenfold!