Little Alchemy 2 is an interesting game which is developed by Jakub Koziol. This game is very much interesting due to the gameplay. You have to combine two elements to make a new one. And, by doing this you have to make the required element in the game. The game is getting famous due to the user interface and ease to play. You can play it on the website or through the app which is available for Android or iOS.

You have to play Little Alchemy 2 by trying different tactics so that you will be able to make the required element in the game. The Tree is one of the things that you have to make after combining the elements. As we have already told you that the user interface is very much simple. So, all you have to do is to drag and drop the element over the other element to make a new element with it. In this guide, we will tell you the elements which are required for making a Tree.

Required Items For Making A Tree in the Game

The Little Alchemy 2 is available for PC through the website and for mobile phones through the play store. There is also a website for providing hints to the users. However, if you are still not able to make a tree in the game by seeing the hints, then check below the steps through which you can easily make it. Making a tree will take you around 29 steps if you correctly follow them. So, make sure that you follow all the steps properly and combine the items correctly.

  • Water and Water = Puddle
  • Puddle and Water = Pond
  • Pond and Water = Lake
  • Lake and Water = Sea
  • Earth and Sea = Primordial Soup
  • Fire and Fire = Energy
  • Energy and Primordial Soup = Life
  • Earth and Fire = Lava
  • Lava and Air = Stone
  • Fire and Stone = Metal
  • Earth and Metal = Plow
  • Earth and Plow = Field
  • Stone and Stone = Wall
  • Wall and Wall = House
  • Field and House = Barn
  • Fire and Life = Phoenix
  • Phoenix and Phoenix = Egg
  • Barn and Egg = Chicken
  • Chicken and Egg = Philosophy
  • Earth and Earth = Land
  • Earth and Land = Continent
  • Continent and Continent = Planet
  • Air and Planet = Atmosphere
  • Atmosphere and Water = Cloud
  • Cloud and Water = Rain
  • Philosophy and Planet = Big
  • Earth and Life = Soil
  • Rain and Soil = Plant
  • Big and Plant = a Tree


This was all for this article. We have mentioned the all 29 steps through which you can easily make the tree in Little Alchemy 2. I hope you are now able to make the tree in the game. In case, if you are facing any issues in making trees then feel free to ask in the comment section below.